惠斯勒无与伦比的冬季从11月一直延续到7月中旬。然而,超长的雪季只是惠斯勒黑梳山(Whistler Blackcomb)令人难以置信的魅力之一,还有最高级别的地形公园、深粉雪、易于进入的、广阔的野雪选择。
这个顶级度假区吸引着高手中的高手。在任何一天,您都可能会遇到世界一流的运动员,在pipe 顶部、在rail 上,或是在当地的一个slopestyle比赛中。在极具才华的本地和国际运动员及专业人员的指导下提高技艺对于拓展您在各种条件下的经验至关重要。
我们所有的课程都有一套核心课程,可以让您从新手成为行业专业人士。您将学习在您的祖国、加拿大、以及其他国家工作所需的技能。通过一个运动员心理获取健康的发展是我们的首要目标。 我们学校让像您这样年轻的学生有机会建立您的心理和生理力量,同时为您通过户外休闲探险活动领导他人做好准备。
This program begins in May of each year. There is only one start time for this program annually.
SNSP One Year
● IELTs 4.0 or equivalent
● Completion of high school (or equivalent)
● For students who have not completed high school, evidence of experience in and knowledge of the intended field of study must be provided. For the golf, and snow sports programs, prospective students must submit the following:
◯ a short video (30 seconds) showing participation in the relevant sport.
◯ Proof of competitive experience (e.g. competition results, letter from coach).
◯ proof of membership in a relevant organization or club (e.g. a ski team, golf club, snowboard club).
SNSP Two Year
Must meet all the following;
● IELTs 4.0 or equivalent
● Completion of high school (or equivalent)
● For students who have not completed high school, evidence of experience in and knowledge of the intended field of study must be provided. For the golf, and snow sports programs, prospective students must submit the following:
◯ a short video (30 seconds) showing participation in the relevant sport.
◯ Proof of competitive experience (e.g. competition results, letter from coach).
◯ proof of membership in a relevant organization or club (e.g. a ski team, golf club, snowboard club).
Or meet the following;
● Completion of Snow Sports Professional One Year Program in Canadian Sports Business Academy